Dapp list- Highlights for the month of December

Michael Oluseye
4 min readDec 31, 2021


Dapp lists goal over time has been to fuel the of their medium while promoting adoption. This occurs when individuals are feeling confident about exploring the blockchain spectrum and devs are supported to develop the future of true Decentralization. In today’s article, we’ll be stating and discussing about Every single development that Dapp list has delivered to the community during the month of December. Before this is explored, an info on Dapp list will be essential for comprehension.


Dapp list seeks to develop a network for individuals to explore & interact with various dapps. The medium does this by developing the community through its governing system which simply hunts & validates different dapps. Dapp list’s vision is just to create a perfect Decentralized application store while instituting multi chain governance as the core system.



On the 3rd of December, the platform introduced the community to Meebits NFTs, which is a Decentralized NFT project, where developers are not charging fees. The NFTs offer superior transparency and flexibility, which is the key for the future NFT projects. For more info:

Indexed Finance listed On Dapplist v2

On the 6th of December, dapp list announced that Indexed Finance has been listed on their v2. Individuals can now gain exposure to a passively managed, zero management fee crypto index portfolio, offering hasslefree ways of getting into DeFi and niche market sectors such as Oracles or the metaverse.

For more info: https://thedapplist.com/

Loot Project listed On Dapplist v2

On December 6th, dapp list announced that loot project had been listed on their v2. They described the project as a randomized adventurer gear generated and stored on chain. There are 8,000 bags of loot, discovered by adventurers.

For more info: https://thedapplist.com/

HopProtocol listed On Dapplist v2

On the 6th of December, Dapp listed announced that HopProtocol had been listed on their v2. Hop is simply a scalable rollup-to-rollup token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup to another almost immediately without having to wait for the rollup’s challenge period.

For more info: https://thedapplist.com/

Alchemist Listed on Dapplist v2

On the 6th of December, Alchemist listed during that week on Dapp list’s v2. Alchemist is simply a community of builders experimenting out in the wild.

For more info: https://thedapplist.com/

Sandbox Game Introduction

On the 6th of December, the platform introduced the Sandbox game to the community. The Sandbox had completed it’s alpha for players in the second quarter, giving users access to a social centre and the ability to create a wonderful collection of fantasy and role-playing experiences. Dapp list stated that Sandbox attracted players due to its near-addictive gaming concept and gained a lot of traction during pandemic. They stated that the sense of ownership and freedom to create and interact is what makes the metaverse more valuable.

For more info- https://www.sandbox.game/en/

Dapp list Russion Community Introduction

On the 8th of December, Dapp list platform was delighted to announce the launch of their Russian Community, which further expands the gateway to their medium.

For more info: https://thedapplist.com/

DAO based Panel Discussion

On the 16th of December at 2pm CET, a DAO based panel discussion was initiated to gain insights from Nirbhik Jangid (Dapp list), Paul Claudius (DIA data), Alfonso de la Rocha (ProtocolLabs), and Max Infeld (Alien Worlds).

For more info: https://eblockchainconvention.com/

EBlockchain Convention Invitation

On the 25th of December, Dapp list platform thanked EBlockchainCon for inviting them to the 6th edition of the European blockchain convention and giving them the opportunity to contribute and share insights with other speakers.

For more info: https://eblockchainconvention.com/

UNI Token On Dapplist

On the 25th of December, the platform announced that UNI token by Uniswap is now supported on Dapplist, they said that it was the unbeatable choice of the community. This will help them distribute the power of curation through governance to the wider community and curate the Web3 adoption. For more info: https://curate.thedapplist.com/

Curation Dashboard On Mobile Devices

On the 28th of December, the platform announced that the Curation Dashboard is now accessible from the user’s mobile devices. For more info: https://curate.thedapplist.com/


The Dapplist platform has really curated and listed a lot of projects during the month of December, while also integrating a lot of improvements to their systems and expanding their Community, and this is evident due to their recent release of the Russian Community. As the platform enters another year, more amazing projects will be listed for the community’s benefits.

To know more about Dapp List, kindly check https://thedapplist.com

Article Written By : Adasofunjo Michael Oluseye



Michael Oluseye
Michael Oluseye

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