Michael Oluseye
3 min readJul 31, 2021


Razor network is a decentralized oracle system which serve data from real world to smart chain system and also offers reliable security network without altering its functional speed.



One of the main goals of this system platform is ensuring stable financial resources of a decentralized network of user’s assets isn’t compromised thereby offering a stable security measures that is designed in a complex manner to provide a reliable guarantee to user’s financial resources until a maximum degree economical value is attained.


The platform system is built in a smart decentralization mobile system by removes need of adding intermediaries to the transactional process without users experiencing any counterparty risk. The system implements the use of POS service in providing network to the high volume of stakers participation on decentralized application system either for staking or trading purpose.


The design layers of the network system were created in a manner that thwart any external or internal attacks either bribing or collusion in the oracle system. Developers ensure the friendly use of the application system for stakers and also provide aggregation function which validators can implement in selecting the level of economic measures in ensuring the safety of this token in the administrative network.


Razor teams have launched the advanced version of Razorscan V2 network service which is an upgrade to the customary version which will increase query service speed, ensure the exploration of oracle’s data and enhance UI for validators and stakers in the trading pool. In addition to this, the protocol system has also upgraded razor testnet on to enhance better performance of all active $razor farms activities in the blockchain system.

Razor network has partnership with Plutos network for synthetic issuance of commodities products in ensuring the contract options, swapping and secure derivatives of trading on binance smart chain system. This synergy will further enhance provision of reliable data feed into the cross chain synthetic issuance system for users.

Razor system has ensuring the mitigation of $Razor token to Uniswap platform system to enhance better friendly experience for users and to swap their tokens at a juicy rate.

In ensuring faster transaction network service, Razor teams has upgraded their technological model tools by increasing the gas price on JavaScript thereby removing solhint hinderance on the system platform.This will resolve the blockchain queries and enhance seamless contract deployment optional use for users thereby maximizing the periodic data of community members.

Razor network has synergized with Knit finance to ensure implementation of multiple blockchain useability of wrapped assets for community members in the ecosystem.


​Razor network has integrated several features in their system platform which ensures provision of real smart data network for community members through the recent development, thereby reducing the counterparty risk users experienced during transaction. Razor has made access of real-world data network for community members a reality for the growth of decentralized blockchain system.

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Article Written By : Adasofunjo Michael Oluseye

