Michael Oluseye
3 min readAug 26, 2021



StaFi is basically the first ever community based finance protocol utilized for unlocking staked fund or asset liquidity. Through StaFi, users can earn rtokens by staking PoS tokens. On the StaFi Chain, the native token utilized is called or denoted as FIS, which is required for the network to fully enable security through staking, StaFi chain payments on transaction taxes and so on. A little information on Liqee will also be detailed


This platform is prominently known as the first ever community based marketplace for lending and liquidity staking tokens such as PoS or Decentralized finance staking tokens. The platform is also fully supported and fueled by dforce’s protocol for lending, which was examined by prominent auditing enterprises such as Certora. They strive to be the biggest lending protocol with a great server for liquid staking open markets. The platform enables PoS utilities for staking over a wide range of various networks with mining services.


These two great decentralized networks have made a collaboration with each other to ensure the full compatibility of their platform’s features. Through their partnership, they plan to initiate rtokens such as rDOT, rETH and rATOM into the lending platform on Liqee. The three mentioned rtokens can be utilized for collateral purposes in order to various tokens.

Liqee platform will be live with both StaFi and dforce to start off their campaign for liquidity mining on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum by 12pm on the 27th of August, 2021.


Hosting rtokens for collateral purposes:

Through liqee, various rtoken users can deposit their rtokens in order to borrow like ETH and earn liquidity without trading on a decentralized exchange marketplace. This will immensely diversify liquidity for rtokens, therefore developing the integration of derivatives for staking on StaFi.

Prospects for Leveraged Liquidity Staking:

Since rtokens can be utilized for collateral purposes on liqee platform, rtoken earners can make use of liqee platform to boost rewards for staking via leverage liquidity staking. For instance, if an individual is an rtoken user, this individual can gain up to six percent APR from staking rewards. In order for users to boost their APY, they have to deposit their rtokens on Liqee platform so that they can borrow ETH. Once this is done, holders will then stake the ETH that was borrowed on rETH application by StaFi to gain rETH tokens, this indicates that the holder’s rETH funds have been leveraged and the APY is boosted to 10%.


Liqee network will be released on the 27th of August, 2021 at 12pm UTC, there’ll also be an amazing coincentive campaign for yield farming due to holders borrowing and depositing rtokens.

Once holders of rtoken take part in the campaign, they stand a chance to earn rewards which are the following sections; StaFi FIS, Liqee LQE, and dforce DF token pool for rewards.


Holders can earn rewards that are doubled on liqee network due to rtokens being minted once holders have staked:

● Farming for liquidity provides rewards which are DF, FIS and LQE tokens, once holders borrow assets or deposit rtokens

● Staking rewards for PoS are produced via token keeping


Due to these two great platforms coming together to support each others asset and feature provisions, holders will be able to utilize rtokens on liqee as collateral, stake reward boosting feature through LLS and so on. With this and more to come, the borrowing and lending network will be transformed to improve efficiency and functionalities.

For more relevant information, visit

Article Written By : Adasofunjo Michael Oluseye



Michael Oluseye
Michael Oluseye

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